GO Participate Support
Opening the world of opera to a new generation
We deliver a dynamic year-round GO Participate programme, providing creative workshops to people of all ages, using music and performance as tools for personal, social, and emotional development.
The programme aims specifically to engage those who face significant barriers to engagement with the arts; locally, nationally and internationally. Specially commissioned Community Operas are regularly presented, involving hundreds of local people in music, design and drama as well as opening up the Opera Pavilion to members of the community.
Our OperaFirst programme provides an exceptional opportunity for local young people to explore the musical and dramatic themes of an opera through in-school workshops, before attending a full-scale performance at Wormsley. We also engage with young people world-wide through digital collaborations, allowing young people from different locations in the world to collaborate together in a shared experience to create opera together.
From 2024, GO Participate will benefit from the bespoke facilities at Garsington Studios, which will allow us to expand our education and community work into a year-round programme, increasing the scale and impact of our projects and allowing us to continue changing lives.
“My involvement with the GO Participate work has been an eye opener. It is so important to give children of all ages and young adults everywhere, the opportunity to experience the magic of music. Watching the enjoyment of 100 children on stage plus supporting crew is amazing. The standard achieved is incredible. Carry on with this important work Garsington, I just love supporting you.”
Tina Dresher

GO Participate Upcoming Projects
For more information about the multiple on-going projects which our GO Participate team organise and to see what the coming year has in-store, feel free to explore the GO Participate pages of our website.
To enable this programme to continue we rely on philanthropic support, however large or small it may be.
If you would like to discuss how you can support our GO Participate work, please contact Alison Dunnett, Development Director, alison@garsingtonopera.org or 01494 376037.