American Friends
About American Friends
The American Friends Fund supports the work of Garsington Opera through membership donations and specific appeals for projects, while creating an inclusive, engaging and connected community of opera enthusiasts in America.
Membership Options
By becoming a member of Garsington Opera, you can enjoy world-class opera performances set in the stunning setting of Wormsley in the Chiltern Hills, with personalised support from our very dedicated and friendly Membership and Box Office team. Members are offered priority booking to secure tickets on the dates of their choice.
Ingrams Circle
Suggested $8,000 annual donation
We welcome your request of tickets across the season.
Submission deadline for ticket requests: Tuesday 26 November 2024
Ingrams Circle members enjoy a very close association with our work, with the opportunity to meet the creative teams involved in the productions and to attend rehearsals.
This category is named after Leonard Ingrams whose vision it was to start Garsington Opera in his garden at Garsington Manor in 1989.
Constellation of Garsington
Suggested $2,500 annual donation
Suggested upper limit of 30 tickets across the season.
Submission deadline for ticket requests: Tuesday 26 November 2024
Suggested $800 annual donation
Suggested upper limit of 16 tickets across the season, with no more than 8 tickets on a single evening.
Submission deadline for ticket requests: Tuesday 26 November 2024
To discuss your membership or to make a gift to a specific production or project please contact:
Alison Dunnett, alison@garsingtonopera.org.
How to Donate
Donations to CAF America Friends Funds are tax deductible for U.S. taxpayers and can be made by:
- check
- wire transfer
- stock
- credit card (additional 3% charge deducted from your donation)
To make your donation to the American Friends of Garsington Opera Friends Fund please contact:
Alison Dunnett, Development Director at alison@garsingtonopera.org or the CAF America team at friendsfunds@cafamerica.org